All articles by Kirstie Pickering

Kirstie Pickering

SAF and blockchain: what’s the connection?

Eva Wan, head of aviation digital strategy at Shell Aviation, talks about the role for blockchain in the future of sustainable aviation fuel.

Could Doncaster Airport reinvent itself as a low-carbon aviation tech hub? 

A study has pinpointed Doncaster as a potential hub for low-carbon aviation. What role could Doncaster Sheffield Airport play?

Why airports need to clean rubber from runways

A build-up of rubber on airport runways poses a significant risk to passenger safety.

Turkey-Syria earthquake: aviation’s humanitarian aid efforts

The need for humanitarian aid for the millions of people impacted by the Turkey-Syria earthquakes is colossal.

UK set to ease airport security rules in 2024

The UK has announced that it will ease security rules at airports, including liquids and electronics, from June 2024.

Experts predict the airline trends we’ll see in 2023 

Travel chaos throughout 2022 meant airlines hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons and will be keen to avoid a repeat performance.

What trends do industry experts predict for airports in 2023? 

In 2022, airports continued their battle with a post-pandemic recovery, and there is still much to overcome as we enter a new year.

Are Qatar’s airports ready for the FIFA World Cup 2022?

The Qatar World Cup is set to kick off next week. How prepared is the country’s aviation infrastructure?

Ukrainians are turning a downed Russian jet into luggage tags

Recycle Russia creates the tags to raise money for Ukraine’s defenders

What’s inside the SAF Grand Challenge Roadmap?

As part of the US’s climate goals, the Biden Administration has published a new sustainable aviation fuel plan